Advantages of Drinking Tea.

  • Drinking tea prevents dental cavities because of the presence of fluorine, the property that prevents plague from happening. It helps inhibits the growth of bacteria that can cause gingivitis. Drinking tea after a meal can suppress foul breath. 
  • It helps normalize blood pressure, lipid depressing activity and the prevention of coronary heart diseases and diabetes by reducing the blood-glucose activity. 
  • Many women are using tea bags that have been soaked in water and chilled in the freezer as a home remedy to remove puffy eyes. The tannin which is a natural astringent in tea pulls the skin taut and reduces puffiness.
  • Scientific studies discovered that tea leaves contain more than 700 chemicals like flavanoides and amino acids, and is full of antioxidants. One of the health benefits revealed by a study conducted by the Harvard Medical School is that the antioxidantsin tea leaves can reduce the risk of four of the major health problems namely stroke, heart failure, cancer and diabetes.
  • Cancer: Clinical studies have proven green tea helps prevent many types of cancers, and there is research to support polyphenols may actually kill cancer cells and arrest their growth. Bladder, breast, ovarian, colorectal, esophageal, lung, pancreatic, prostrate, skin, and stomach cancers have all shown to be positively affected by green tea.
  • Heart disease: Natural News reports: Research at the Graduate School of Medicine in Kyoto, Japan confirmed that green tea polyphenols can protect a heart from oxidative stress, as well as maintain good left ventricular function after ischemic arrest (restriction in the heart’s blood supply) and reperfusion (tissue damage caused when the blood supply returns).
  • Green tea also protects the heart by preventing hypertension.
  • Type 2 diabetes: Green tea consumption “may improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in individuals with diabetes.” In studies, it has been shown to help our bodies make better use of glucose.
  • Weight Loss: Drinking green tea boosts the body’s metabolism. The polyphenols also help burn fat. A human study, published in the January 2005 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, confirms green tea’s ability to not only reduce body fat, but damage to LDL cholesterol as well. After 12 weeks of drinking just one bottle of green tea each day, 38 normal-to-overweight men in Tokyo had a significantly lower body weight, BMI, waist circumference, body fat mass and amount of subcutaneous fat compared to men given a bottle of oolong tea each day.
  • Cognitive improvement: Senior citizens that drink green tea have demonstrated increased mental abilities. Also, green tea may protect the brain from forming plaque deposits found in Alzheimer’s disease and reduce memory loss.
  • Green tea has amazing health benefits, but how much do you need to drink? Studies have varied on consumption levels from one to three cups, and very little research has been done on the benefits of green tea for children. Whatever the amount, a little green tea in your diet is sure to have some positive effect.


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