Computer Eye Strain, Facts and Remedies.

Computer Eyestrain
  • Eyestrain is perhaps the most common affliction that the information age has brought us and there are absolutely no signs of it ever decreasing. Many times, however, you may not even be aware of it.
  • Unsuspected eyestrain can be associated with twitching of the eyelids and face. It can be responsible for nausea and vomiting, bad nutrition and loss of appetite, headaches, and many other similar conditions. Have you ever experienced blurred or double vision? Perhaps flickering or flashing sensations? Your eyes are trying to tell you something.

  • Eyestrain inevitably develops after lengthy use of the eyes as in sitting in front of a computer, writing, reading or other detailed work. Poor lighting conditions also cause stress in the eye muscles as they strain to focus properly and present clear images to the brain.
  • Prolonged use of the eyes - as well as the stress and tension of day-to-day living - cause a tightening of the delicate eye muscles and also the facial muscles around the nose, cheeks and temples. I can easily demonstrate this to you right now: For a moment, direct you attention to your face and try to relax your facial muscles. Go on, give it a try. You may be quite surprised at how much they were clenched up.
  • The facial tightness leads to reduced blood circulation and thus compounds the agonizing effects of eye fatigue. The resultant eyestrain eventually manifests itself in everything from burning eyes and blurred vision, to headaches, migraines and may even trigger cluster headache attacks.


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