15 Things to Remember in an Interview.

1) In interview don't beg for a job.

2) Don't be nervous because its not an operation.

3) Don't try to gain the sympathy of the interviewer because its not related with charity.

4) Don't act over smart because you should keep in mind that you should deliver what you promise and promise what you can deliver.

5) Interview is an art of selling ourselves to the interviewer so perform the sale effectively.

6) Be confident of what you are and on what you have

7) Believe yourself, love your product i.e. you. And you will have confidence on your product.

8) When you have belief and confidence on the product you can sell the product to the interviewer with more ease.

9) Be formal and more formal.

10) It is very important to create a first and best impression on you.

11) Wear light shirts and dark pants. Wear black shoes and a tie. If possible a blazer

12) Have a clean shave i.e. very clean shave

13) Appear with lots and lots of confidence and positive energy

14) Don't care about the result. Put your work rest is in others hand (god, company, interviewer) and be least worried about that…

15) Even if the interviewer de-stabilize you or degrade you, just defend yourself and prove that you are a competitive product eligible to handle tough situations


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